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What if I had known?

5 February 2021

Ti-Loup and Fluffy return from their medical exam. The vet has advised you that they are in good health. Are they really? Having an annual (or biannual for seniors) medical exam is a great thing to do, especially considering that Ti-Loup and Fluffy age 7 times faster than us. However, is a medical examination sufficient to say that they are, without a doubt, in good health? Unfortunately no! The medical examination examines parts of the body that are visible or palpable. But what about the function of the organs? Our pets are unable to tell us how they are feeling. It’s usually their body language or behavior that gives us the suspicion that something is wrong. Subtle or early problems are therefore usually missed on the exam. It’s the same for you, who can easily miss or misinterpret warning signs of illness.
Now you can give Ti-Loup and Fluffy more as preventative medicine has evolved. It not only allows us to prevent disease with the help of vaccination and parasite prevention, but also allows us to detect abnormalities not detectable by conventional medical examination more quickly through blood, urine and urine tests. stool.

  • The blood tests allow us to better assess the health of the liver, kidneys, thyroid glands, pancreas and intestines, as well as blood cells.
  • Antigenic stool tests tell us if your pet has any parasites, such as worms, and assure you that Ti-Loup is not a source of parasite transmission for your family.
  • Urine tests allow us to better assess kidney function and prevent certain inflammatory diseases. Fluffy may have pain while urinating or having difficulty urinating without you being able to detect it at home.

Preventive medicine can detect pathologies for 1 in7 animals under the age of 6. By performing these tests before symptoms appear, not only will you give your animals a better chance of recovery, but you will also benefit from considerable discounts and possibly avoid emergency costs for undetected illnesses that could become emergency.
You will now be able to sleep with peace of mind since you will know that Ti-Loup and Fluffy are healthy, with supporting results!

Callie’s story:

This is Callie, an adorable four and a half year old cat who has come for his annual checkup. Ms. Martin mentions that her Callie is fine but her hair is a little less shiny than before. However, she has a good appetite and his stools are normal. During Callie’s medical examination, no abnormalities were noted. She is at a healthy weight, has good auscultation and palpation. Ms. Martin still decided to do a health profile for Preventive Medicine to make sure she is really healthy because she cares a lot about her. So we did a blood, urine and fecal test. The results surprised us a bit. We really believed Callie to be in good health but her tests revealed a decrease in the amount of red blood cells in her blood (anemia), a decrease in hemoglobin (a substance that helps the transport of oxygen) and a decrease in the amount. protein in her blood. An abdominal ultrasound is therefore suggested because we suspect intestinal damage. Ms. Martin is worried and therefore quickly accepts that we carry out an additional test. Callie was very patient during her ultrasound. This allowed us to properly assess her digestive system. After the exam, we find that Callie probably has inflammatory bowel disease (which may resemble Crohn’s disease in humans). We therefore recommend that Ms. Martin change Callie’s diet to a specialized diet and administer prebiotics and probiotics every day. However, this is not enough. Indeed, her blood tests tell us that the disease is still present and seems to be progressing. After an informed discussion with Ms. Martin, we decide to do intestinal biopsies to establish a clear diagnosis. The diagnosis is made, Callie does indeed suffer from inflammatory bowel disease. Callie’s disease is likely to progress and we therefore decide with Ms. Martin to start treatment. Since that time, Callie is doing very well. She still eats well, has gained weight, and her hair is now shiny. Without realizing it, Callie was thin under her hair and appeared to be in good health, but instead suffered in silence from an illness that prevented her body from digesting and absorbing her food properly. Ms. Martin was therefore right to trust herself for her beautiful Callie.

Contact your veterinary team now to find out about their preventive medicine program.